About Us

The Raha College Central Library presently known as Rasaraj Lakshminath Bezbaruah Central Library is the heart of the college was established in 1964 at the time of establishment of the college. The library's main goal is to give information to its patrons and broaden their knowledge. The library is well equipped library, centrally located in the first-floor building with 3880 sq ft. The library has a collection of 30,000+ books which included textbooks, reference books, ready reference books such as Dictionary, Encyclopedias, Thesaurus, Biography, Competitive Exam books etc.


  1. To provide the right information to the right user at the right time in the right format.
  2. To incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly learning approach towards students and faculty.


  1. To inculcate reading habits among the students.
  2. To promote use of various sources of information and build up information literacy skills among the users.